Galaxy Nails.
No estoy segura si el boom de las galaxy nails ha bajado pero como adoradora del espacio son mis favoritas.
I'm not sure if the excitement of the Galaxy Nails is down but as a universe/space lover this design is, naturally, my favourite
Necesitas You need
Esmalte negro / Brillo tope Black polish / Top coat
Palitos de naranja Orange sticks
Una esponjita y tijeras A sponge and scissors
Un pedacito de cartulina A small piece cardboard
Esmaltes de los colores de tu preferencia Polishes of your choice
Y, por supuesto, escarcha And, of course, GLITTER!
1. Pinta las uñas de negro, o algún color muy oscuro, y déjalas secar.
1. Paint your nails black, or some really dark colour, and let them dry.
2. Corta la esponja en pequeños pedazos y pon una gota del esmalte que vayas a usar al momento en tu pedacito de cartulina
2. Cut the sponge in small pieces and put a drop of the polish you'll use right away in your cardboard
3. Capas. Con la esponjita pondrás capas del color que quieras utilizar como base (preferiblemente un color claro), después con colores un poco más oscuros puedes hacer el resto de la nébula. Construye el color poco a poco para lograr la intensidad deseada
3. Layers. With your sponge you'll layer the colour you want to use as a base (best it be a light one), after that with darker colours you can do the rest of your nebulae. Built up the colour little by little to archive the intensity you're looking for.
Cuando tengas el diseño deseado déjalo secar un poco y ponle la escarcha, para un mejor efecto trata de conseguir una que tenga diferentes tamaños
When you've the design ready let it dry for a bit and put on the glitter, for a better effect try to do it with one that has different size
PD. ¡Enviame fotos de tus galaxy!
Ps. Send me pics of your galaxy nails!
Cool nails!!! :-)
Tobruckave Blog
Love it! thanks for your sweet message on ifb, i'm followin your blog via GFC :)
Love these nails!
Christa Jayne
amazing nails! thanks for getting in touch through ifb - i'm following you now. if you'd like to follow me back visit my blog:
Wow, you have a creative mind! I love it! :-)
ResponderEliminarPlease check out my blog too, about CIATE NAIL CAVIAR. :-)
I am now following your blog. Please follow mine too! Thanks :-)
This is the best DIY i've ever seen! :D
ResponderEliminarFollowed you! (:
wow this is so amazing, reminds me of cristopher kane's galaxy dresses!
ResponderEliminarxx Kate