Yes, I know, it's monday and we only post recipes on Fridays, but this is such a Chritmassy recipe, I had to share it, besides rules are made for breaking!
Súper simple la receta, vas a necesitar:
This recipe is super simple, you'll need:
1 1/2 tazas de harina de avena.
1 taza de harina de trigo integral.
4 claras de huevo.
1/2 cda de polvo para hornear.
3 cda de aceite vegetal.
1/2 taza del edulcorante de tu preferencia.
1 cda de canela.
1 cdta de especias de calabaza.
1/3 taza de leche descremada.
3/4 taza de cacao.
Y tantas pasas, frutas confitadas y frutas secas como tu corazón desee.
1 1/2 cups of oat flour.
1 cup of whole grain flour.
4 eggs white.
1/2 tbsp of baking powder.
3 tbsp of vegetable oil.
1/2 cup of the sweetener of your choice.
1 tbsp of cinnamon.
1 tsp of pumpkin spice.
1/3 cup of low fat milk.
1 cup of cocoa
And as many raisins, crystallized fruits and dried fruits as you desire.
Mezcla todo, menos las frutas, con una batidora (O a mano, como prefieras), agrega la fruta y revuelve con una paleta, viertes en un molde ya engrasado, y metes en el horno previamente calentado a unos 250º F por unos buenos 45 mins.
Mix everything, but the fruits, with a good mixer (or by hand, that's entirely your call), add the fruits and stir around with a wooden palette, pour it all in your pan that will be oiled before hand, and get that baby into the preheated oven on 250ºF for a good 45 minutes.
Y éste será el hermoso resultado.
And this will be the beautiful result.
Yumm Yumm |
À bientôt, babes.
¡Esa torta se ve muy buena!
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